5 Common Mistakes Wholesalers Make with Trade Credit Management

Trade credit management is a critical aspect of any wholesale business as it can have a significant impact on the company’s bottom line. 

Many wholesalers make mistakes when it comes to managing trade credit, which can lead to financial losses and damage to the company’s reputation. 

In this article, we will discuss five common mistakes that wholesalers make with trade credit management and how to avoid them.

1: Not conducting proper credit checks

One of the most common mistakes that wholesalers make is not conducting proper credit checks on their customers. 

This can lead to the company extending credit to customers who are not financially stable, which can result in unpaid bills and financial losses. 

To avoid this mistake, it is important to conduct thorough credit checks on all customers before extending credit. This can be done by using a credit reporting agency or by contacting the customer’s references.


2: Not setting credit limits

Another mistake that wholesalers make is not setting credit limits for their customers. This can lead to customers over-extending credit, which can result in unpaid bills and financial losses. 

To avoid this mistake, it is important to set credit limits for each customer based on their creditworthiness and financial stability. This will help to ensure that the company does not extend too much credit to any one customer.


3: Not monitoring customer credit

Wholesalers also make the mistake of not monitoring customer credit on a regular basis.

This can lead to customers falling behind on payments, which can result in financial losses for the company. 

To avoid this mistake, it is important to monitor customer credit on a regular basis, either by using a credit reporting agency or by contacting the customer’s references.

This will help to ensure that the company is aware of any changes in the customer’s financial situation.


4: Not following up on overdue payments

Surprisingly, many wholesalers fail to follow up on overdue payments.

This can lead to customers becoming delinquent on their payments, which can result in financial losses for the company. 

To avoid this mistake, it is important to have a system in place for following up on overdue payments, such as sending reminders or making phone calls.

This will help to ensure that customers are aware of the importance of making timely payments.


5: Not using software to manage trade credit

Finally, many wholesalers make the mistake of not using software to manage trade credit.

This can lead to the company having difficulty keeping track of customer credit, which can result in financial losses. 

To avoid this mistake, it is important to use software to manage trade credit, such as accounting software or a specialized trade credit management software. 

This will help to ensure that the company has a clear and accurate picture of customer credit.


The Conclusion

In conclusion, trade credit management is a critical aspect of any wholesale business. 

By understanding and avoiding these common mistakes, wholesalers can take steps to improve their trade credit management practices and protect their bottom line.

If you’re looking for an automated solution to help manage your trade credit customers and collect payments, book a demo of PencilPay today. 

PencilPay is designed specifically for wholesalers and can help you automate the signup process of new accounts and your customer payments. 

By booking a demo today, you’ll be able to see for yourself how our software can help improve your trade credit management practices and protect your bottom line. 

Schedule your demo now and take the first step towards better trade credit management.