Case study: Dave From Ewash

Dave is one of Pencils first customers. He has been great to work with and has seen some amazing benefits while using our software.

Here is what he has to say about his experience.

What challenges were you facing before using Pencil?

We were having lots of challenges with receiving payments from customers on time, as many businesses require money to come in steadily. 

We were always having to chase customers regularly for payments. 

This was a great platform for us to use. It assisted us in making sure we were getting money back from our customers correctly and at the right time.

How long have you been using Pencil for?

So, we have been using Pencil now for 3 years. We are really happy with the platform and we have been able to build and customise it to our needs.

We really love the guys there, they’re really helpful with making the tweaks that we require for our business.

We love the software. We believe in it. I would recommend it to anyone and this is a software we will be using it for a very long time.