5 Xero Apps That Make Doing Business Easier

Xero apps give business owners simple ways to execute efficient accounting practices.

With user-friendly, cloud-based software, Xero apps make it easy to reconcile client transactions anywhere, anytime.

5 Xero Apps That Simplify Business

Day-to-day transactions can either make or break your business. Without an organised and streamlined accounting process, you have less time to invest in strategising ways to improve your operations.

These Xero apps help free up the valuable time needed to plan for success and allow you to improve the transactional efficiency between you and your clients.

1. Hubdoc 

Hubdoc allows you to track bills and receipts using any device.

Once uploaded, the app extracts the pertinent information and publishes it to Xero as categorised transactions, giving you a clearer view of your current financials.

Since Hubdoc stores your transactions on the cloud, this information is accessible practically anywhere. No paper is needed.

2. Stripe 

Stripe allows your business to receive debit cards, credit cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay online payments up to two times faster.

Once you receive payments from clients, Stripe automatically records the transaction in Xero to make reconciliation an easy task.

You can also set up recurring payments with clients who you routinely work with.

3. WorkflowMax

Workflow Max helps you to expand your business.

This app makes project management seamless by streamlining lead and client management, tracking project times, providing invoice management, and more.

This app can provide valuable insight into your company’s productivity and performance.

4. Xero Analytics Plus

Xero Analytics Plus allows you to keep a better pulse on your business by offering business health metric customisations and cash flow predictions.

There are advanced versions that either provide AI-powered short-term cash flow predictions or provide more relevant snapshots of your enterprise.

5. Xero Workpapers

No business can avoid the paperwork necessary for regulatory compliance.

With Xero Workpapers, you can create, review, and approve workpapers from any device, making it easier to work remotely while sharing data easily with your team.

The app automatically stores your workpapers in Xero and tracks drafts and changes to prevent redundancy from occurring.

The Integration of Xero Apps With PencilPay

Pencil is a proud Xero partner. Together, Pencil and Xero provide efficient accounting tools to make managing your business easier.

Beyond necessary accounting services, PencilPay is a user-friendly digital platform that allows business owners to have a better handle on trade credit management.

Integrating PencilPay with Xero apps offers considerable benefits for your business, including the following:

  • Quick Customer Onboarding: You can provide your clients with a white-labeled credit form that takes about 90 seconds to complete. 
  • Decreased Redundancies: Because these are cloud-based platforms, information is auto-populated into Xero making double data entry less frequent or rare. 
  • Safer Credit Management: With PencilPay, you can perform supplier credit checks and continually monitor credit files for new and existing clients. 

To secure the success of your business, integrate PencilPay and Xero apps into your day-to-day operations. You can choose among our various plans for the one that best fits your needs. Each plan comes with a 30-day free trial. Test run PencilPay and Xero apps today!