3 Cin7 Facts for the Business Owner or Managers

Business owners and individuals who are in charge of managing the enterprise’s day-to-day accounts can often find themselves frustrated and overwhelmed by the amount of information they oversee and the scant resources they have to control it. Spreadsheets and other manual forms of entry ...

Strategies for Managing Your Inventory

As the business-to-business industry evolves, suppliers need to be aware of the changes in technologies and strategies to achieve the most efficient, cost-effective operations. Managing your B2B inventory is a large part of this process. Though beneficial to profit and growth, increased sa...

How To Price Your Wholesale Products

It’s an exciting time when you get to finally launch your new product. A common question new products ask themselves is, “how much do I sell my product for?” This might seem like an easy question to answer. But if your pricing is off, potential customers could view you as a c...

How Inventory Management Affects Cash Flow

Cash flow is key to the success of every business. Poor inventory management can negatively affect your cash flow, the overall productivity of your business, and your bottom line. But if you’re a growing company, you may not realise just how much a solid inventory management system can i...

How to Reduce Your Inventory Costs

Scrutinizing your business with a fine-tooth comb to identify unnecessary costs is a key step when it comes to improving your profitability. But one area that is often overlooked is inventory. There are plenty of improvements businesses can make when it comes to cutting inventory costs, an...